Pearl Jam
You're always saying that there's something wrong.
I'm starting to believe it's your plan all along.
Death came around, forced to hear it's song
And know tomorrow can't be depended on
Seen the home inside your head.
All locked doors and unmade beds
Open sores unattended
Let me say just once that
I have faced it, a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
I escaped it,a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
Having tasted, a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
The world awaits just up the stairs
Leave the pain for someone else
Nothing back there for you to find
Or was it you you left behind
You're always saying you're too weak to be strong.
You're harder on yourself than just about anyone
Why swim the channel just to get this far?
Halfway there, why would you turn around?
Darkness comes in waves...tell me,
Why invite it to stay?
You're one with negativity
Yes, comfort is an energy
But why let the sad song play?
I have faced it, a life wasted
I'm never going back there again
You're always saying that there's something wrong.
I'm starting to believe it's your plan all along.
Death came around, forced to hear it's song
And know tomorrow can't be depended on
Seen the home inside your head.
All locked doors and unmade beds
Open sores unattended
Let me say just once that
I have faced it, a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
I escaped it,a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
Having tasted, a life wasted.
I'm never going back there again.
The world awaits just up the stairs
Leave the pain for someone else
Nothing back there for you to find
Or was it you you left behind
You're always saying you're too weak to be strong.
You're harder on yourself than just about anyone
Why swim the channel just to get this far?
Halfway there, why would you turn around?
Darkness comes in waves...tell me,
Why invite it to stay?
You're one with negativity
Yes, comfort is an energy
But why let the sad song play?
I have faced it, a life wasted
I'm never going back there again
Nuevo disco, nueva gira, conciertos en nuestro país ya confirmados...

Nunca les he visto en concierto. Y eso es algo que me atormenta porque significan mucho para mí. Quizá sean el grupo que más me marcara y que más signifique para mí. Ir a conciertos siempre ha implicado moverme a la gran urbe (Barcelona) desde mi ciudad y eso no siempre ha sido posible si después no había cómo volver o en casa de quién quedarse. Aparte de con quién ir. Ahora ya no tendré ninguno de esos problemas. ¡Por fin! Seré feliz en ese concierto, muy feliz. Lo sería aunque el nuevo disco fuera una mierda. Y no lo es en absoluto, me encanta. Lo he escuchado ya (con una calidad mala, eso sí) y cada vez me gusta más. Para que luego venga alguien y diga que los que piratean o bajan músicade internet matan a la música y roban a los artistas. Ey, voy a comprármelo y a pagar por verlos en directo.
¡Les adoro! ¡Eddie Vedder, aquí te espero!
2 comentarios:
Nos veremos en el concierto de Barcelona!
Yo me muero por volver a verlos, se que disfrutaré tanto como la otra vez, que fue increíble, quizás porque como tú, ha sido el grupo que más me ha marcado.
Doblete, qué suerte!!
ES una buena noticia! Quizá yo también vaya, ya quedan pocos grupos en activo de aquellos que me gustaron tanto (y más me han marcado)
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